ISKCON Auckland NZ: Harinam in the rain (Album with…

ISKCON Auckland NZ: Harinam in the rain (Album with photos)
Srila Prabhupada: Our philosophy is “Come. Come here, play with Krsna as cowherd boy. Come here, dance with Krsna as gopi. Come here, accept Krsna as your son, Krsna will accept you as His mother.” There will be always two, and enjoy, any way. Even as enemy, demon displaying part of enemy, Krsna killing, that is also pastime too. That is also enjoyment. Just like sometimes we fight, friend to friend, to enjoy life, because fighting is enjoyment. You become enemy of Krsna purposefully, and to fight with Him, that is giving pleasure to Krsna. Krsna is enjoying, and He also becomes so staunch enemy. So this is also transcendental pleasure. Just like Bhisma. He is piercing the body of Krsna, and He is coming with cakra. That is a pleasure. Krsna is enjoying being pierced by His devotee. And devotee is enjoying, “Now Krsna is coming to kill me.” So any way you can deal with Krsna and enjoy transcendental pleasure, either as enemy or as friend or as son or as lover, as master, as a servant – any way. Krsna is prepared to deal with you any way, in twelve rasas, akhila-rasamrta-sindhu. Raso vai sah, in the Vedas, He is the reservoir of all pleasure, transcendental. >>> Ref. VedaBase => Room Conversations – September 11, 1974, Vrndavana
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