Krsna has entered another persons life. Hare Krishna Dear...

Krsna has entered another persons life.

Hare Krishna Dear Devotees,

I was distributing in Kilbirnie, Wellington.

Amongst many nice young people, I met Alex.

He was amazed to see the books and explained that Krishna now has special significance in his life.

Yesterday he went to view a room in which Wanzi ( a Wellington devotee) is renting and has taken the room. Now he is super excited about moving into a “Hare Krishna flat”.

He told me that he is a vegetarian and very interested in meditation.

As such, he was more than happy to chip in a donation and take a Sri Isopanisad, to read-up and prepare for life in the “Hare Krishna flat.”

As we parted ways he told me that he has a feeling this summer will be “All about Krishna!”

Let’s see what happens!

Your servant,
Caitanya Vihara das


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