The Song in Your Heart - Vaisesika Dasa
How we carry ourselves in life and the direction we decide to go depends on the song we keep in our hearts. The body is like a chariot, and the heart is the driver.
Suppose we have a metaphysical happy song in our hearts; no matter where we are, we’ll transport ourselves so that we’re above the complexities of the material world.
The song that we keep in our hearts can liberate us or keep us drawn to the objects of the senses in the material world. It’s not just any song.
Like Carl Sagan once said, when walking through a library and pointing to a large section of the library, “If you read a book a month, this is how many books you could finish in one lifetime,”
When he got to the end of the long row, he mentioned that it’s not the books themselves. It’s the kind of books you read, not the volume of books.
What song do the ancient literatures recommend?
Based on ancient literature written millions of years ago, very high thinkers could contemplate the world without getting attached to it for the good of others.
They came up with a simple formula distilling the essence of all spiritual practices:
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare
This mantra is a song from the spiritual world.
If you continuously practice hearing spiritual sound vibration and giving it to other people, it will be like a plane going down the runway; going faster and faster, and then gradually, it has liftoff.
After liftoff, it can go above the clouds and beyond.
So if you don’t stop, even in the beginning when you may not feel that you’re flying above the ground, you’ll still garner speed and gradually lift off. You’ll be able to rise above the troublesome, lower energies of the material world.
We don’t know how much runway we have, right? We can’t be sure. So better to take advantage of whatever runway we have now, and use this transcendental song to take flight. Otherwise, you end up in the same place again and again.