WSN September 2014 – World Sankirtan Newsletter

Hare KrishnaBy Vijaya dasa

September proved to be a great month for Gainesville, Florida, which did a whooping 5,001 book points, a 103% increase. Look out RVC! Gainseville is coming up close. The credit, of course, goes to sincere book distributors who are going out and doing the yajna, but Srila Prabhupada once said, "The temple is as good as the temple president." The Gainesville temple president is one of the kindest and friendliest devotees you'll ever meet, and he is into book distribution, which he used to do in the 1970s: Kalakanta Prabhu. He initiates disciples, manages the temple, and oversees prasada distribution at the University of Florida, which has been going on since 1971.



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