Installation of Sri Sri Gaura Nitai at Bishor Pasa and Pandal program at Kalmakanda (Netrakona), Bangladesh
By Jayram Das
The Supreme Lord is sat-cit-ananda, the embodiment of eternity, bliss and knowledge and the devotees also derive the same bliss by dint of their constantly remaining engaged in the service of the Lord. His Holiness Subhag Maharaj visited Bishor Pasa, a village in Netrakona district accessible mostly by riverways or by motorcycles via country roads, four years back where he had inspired family to take practice Krishna Consciousness seriously so that others may also follow their footsteps. The same family, having taken initiation from Maharaj in 2013, now constructed a temple for Gaura Nitai in their courtyard…without expecting the least that Maharaj would come to install the deities. Actually there were no deities at all in the first place and no prior arrangements to receive the devotees. Somehow everything got arranged at the last moment. Jayram Prabhu, the leader at ISKCON Netrakona, had a set of Gaura Nitai Deities meant for somebody else and the same were hijacked to Bishor Pasa.
“Only a handful of you are there who are convinced beyond any doubt about this Krishna Consciousness movement, but is sufficient to change the course of history.” (SP letter to Gunagrahi, Brooklyn, 3 June, 1972)
Subhag Maharaj arrived via a boat on the 6th of January. The picturesque surroundings, cowherds herding their cows back home and simple lifestyle would remind anybody of Srila Prabhupada’s words on how important it is to institute Varnasrama Dharma, simple living and Krishna Conscious thinking. Arriving at Bishor Pasa, the devotees were received with enthusiastic kirtan. Devotees saw a beautiful house, not be expected in an obscure corner of a far flung village, which later turned out to be the temple of Gaura Nitai. Balaram Das, himself a brahmacari, with his family made the temple but their own dwelling place was a run-down old tin shed house and Subhag Maharaj, along with the devotees stayed with them. This is something we don’t see often that a devotee live with the most meagre means while giving the best within his means for the Lord. It was an inspiring experience for all. Adhivas or preparation for the next day’s installation was overseen by Subhag Maharaj himself and made complete by kirtan by Gora Gunamani das, Dinabondhu das, Madhusudan Krishna das and team. The day next, 7 January, was to be a big day: fire sacrifice, deity installation, mahaprasad and lots of kirtan.
After mangal arti and chanting their rounds devotees went ahead with the preparation for the fire sacrifice, prasadam preparation from early morning, nagar kirtan covering the whole village, all were engaged in one service or the other. The fire sacrifice was led by Jayaram das and Ramanuja das, all devotees assembled became so joyful to see the flames leaping high in the air with each ‘svaha’. This was followed abhiseka of the deities by Subhag Maharaj himself after which Maharaj gave a lecture to the assembled guests. The Lords were then carefully dressed in simple yet beautiful dresses by Prahladananda das and after offering a sumptuous bhoga a full arati was offered. Everybody expressed that the deities were looking exceptionally attractive. Around 1500 visitors and devotees took prasadam. Ultimately all devotees agreed that the mission to hijack the deities was approved by Lord Gaura Nitai Themselves. The program closed with a fired up Sandhya arti kirtan.
After a blissful morning walk in the open fields and strolling with the calves the devotees along with Maharaj prepared to leave for Kalmakanda town via the riverways by the same boat. Noon prasadam was served on the boat itself. After a while maharaja’s boat met with with an accident, it almost got crushed between two boats parked on the river blocking the way, devotees were safe and sound.
Arrived at Sri Sri Jagannath Mandir ,Kalmakanda market by sunset to be welcomed by around a thousand and a half visitors and well-wishers, the pandal itself was packed up and many were standing on the street outside the pandal area. The event was presided by Md. Basir Ahmed, Police Officer-in-Charge, who provided all necessary security, President of Jagannath mandir Gouranga Chandra das and the secretary Sujon Saha. It was certainly amazing to see so many people turn up for the program. Prior to Maharaj’s arrival a major harinam nagar sankirtan was arranged by the brahmacharis from ISKCON Netrakona throughout the town area which attracted a huge number of crowd. At the pandal Subhag Maharaj addressed the assembled visitors and guests telling them about the rarity and importance of human life as a junction to get out of the cycle of repeated birth and death and how easily one can also lose this most rare opportunity at any moment. Maharaj encouraged them to practice Krishna Consciousness as a daily practice starting from the chanting of the Hare Krishna maha mantra by means of easily understandable stories and anecdotes. After the lecture devotees continued with the kirtan and the program concluded with the distribution of mahaparasad. As is usual for a cold winter night, devotees especially relished the hot cauliflower pakoras and the steaming fried rice or puspanna.
“This touring and preaching, along with sankirtan party, this is our actual mission. And if you go to Bangla Desh and do the same work there, it will be a great achievement for you and all of the world if you are successful.” (SP letter to Tamal Krishna, Los Angeles 28 June, 1972)
Maharaj and the devotees spent the night there itself at a local well-wisher’s residence which was a simple tin shed house. External facilities appeared meagre but the bliss experienced by the devotees was so overwhelming that they accepted whatever was provided to them by the arrangement of the Lord. Early next morning the team came back to ISKCON Netrakona, one and a half hour drive from Kalmakanda.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada Bliss Yatra!