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Formation and Recognition of the North American Governing Body.
GBC Annual General Meeting (passed on February 11 2023)
[Category] Administrative Order
Whereas the GBC body has encouraged the establishment of continental
committees (GBC Resolution 404/2002. Regional and Continental Governing
Whereas North America has been designated as a Region with 5 Zones encompassing the United States and Canada
Whereas the North American GBC members and other leaders have been
functioning as a continental governance group prior to the 2002 resolution but have not formally applied for recognition as an RGB
Whereas the NAC has been working on a framework for the past 12 months including soliciting and receiving feedback from GBC members active in North America legal counsel senior leaders and temple presidents
Therefore it is resolved that:
The GBC accept the application of the NAC including the accompanying Rules and Regulations to form the officially recognized North American Regional Governing Body.
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