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The Essential Principles Of Lord Gaurangas Kirtan.
By Sacinandana Swami
There is one foundational principle of the Bhagavata philosophy which is enacted and taught practically by Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu during His earthly pastimes. By understanding it you will be able to live and apply what Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu had come to teach us. This foundational principle is to establish a relationship with the Lord through the mood of separation. This is best practiced in kirtan.
We have heard it so many times in order to receive the holy name we first need to become focused. By being mindful to the sound vibration of the holy name we will bring the mind into connection with Krishna. To do this we need to actually hear the mantra and stay with it all the time which requires some focus willingness and prayer.
Our biggest problem however is that we feel disconnected and dry while applying ourselves to the practice of chanting. We try to focus our minds on the sound vibration but alas the mind seems to be more difficult to control than the wind! What should we do? Where is our hope?
Our hope and solution lies in learning to chant in the mood of separation. This feeling of separation from Krishna is possible for the conditioned soul because we have turned away from Him.
How do we come to this mood? It is by feeling: Krishna I really need You!
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