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Srila Prabhupadas Legacy Lives On.
By Chaitanya Charana Dasa
Though Prabhupada was present for only the first eleven years of ISKCONs fifty-year history he continues to guide and inspire his followers to expand what he began.
Its an astonishing story. If someone told you a story like this you wouldnt believe it. Heres this person hes seventy years old hes going to a country where hes never been before he doesnt know anybody there he has no money has no contacts. He has none of the things you would say that make for success. Hes going to recruit people not on any systematic basis but just picking up whomever he comes across and hes going to give them responsibility for organizing a worldwide movement. Youd say What kind of program is that? There are precedents perhaps. Jesus of Nazareth went around saying Come follow me. Drop your nets or leave your tax collecting and come with me and be my disciple. But in his case he wasnt an old man in a strange society dealing with people whose backgrounds were totally different from his own. He was dealing with his own community. Bhaktivedanta Swamis achievement then must be seen as unique.
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