Bhaktivinoda Thakura:
From “Siksastakam”, Song 4, in Gitavali:
“In whatever birth I take, wherever my karma leads me, let me sing the glories of Your holy name birth after birth.”
“In danger or success, good fortune or disaster, let me remain in equipoise. And let my affection for You increase day by day by the influence of the holy name.”
From “Worship of Hari Must Begin from Childhood” in Prabandhavali:
“Because they cannot see God with their material eyes, they think that there is no such thing as God. Just as blind people cannot see the light of the sun, atheistic people cannot see God and so they do not believe in the existence of God.”
“But after attaining the platform of acyuta-gotra, if there is an absence of forceful devotional service, then that status is lost. Forceful devotional service alone is the life and soul of acyuta-gotris, or devotees.”
From “Religion and Science” in Prabandhavali:
“It is the duty of those who aspire to achieve the goal of life to give up all materialistic isms and theories and cultivate the science of self-realization. They should accept all material variegatedness as being the result of the creator’s control over nature, and at the same time they should cultivate love of God. It is not the duty of wise men to remain confined in petty isms and materialistic theories.”
“Art, industry, and scientific knowledge should be utilized in the service of self-realized souls. The science of the self is confidential, and those who are engaged in its cultivation have no time to become entangled in ordinary matters, like science and art. That is why all others should try to help them by providing their bodily necessities. O brothers! O evolutionists! O gradual ascenders! Perform your duty in a way that will help you and the world. Do not indulge in unauthorized interference into the affairs of the faithful by trying to discuss the faults and good qualities of the science of the soul. If you behave properly and act as gentlemen, we will always bless you.”
From “The Conclusion of Vedanta” in Prabandhavali:
“Dualism and oneness are simultaneously true and so while considering the truth of oneness, one must still make a distinction between matter and spirit. And, while considering the truth about the self, it must be admitted that the minute conscious living entities are eternally different from the Supreme Personality of Godhead. For one who understands this science of oneness and difference, there is nothing remaining for him to know.”