*HH Kadamba Kanana Swami Health Update - 24-02-23* By HH...

*HH Kadamba Kanana Swami Health Update - 24-02-23*

By HH Keshava Swami

Dear Devotees,
There are no major updates to Maharaja’s health situation. He continues to only drink water, but somehow still has energy to chant, converse with devotees and lead short kirtans (today he sang for nearly 10 minutes). Many saintly personalities have come to visit Maharaja in the last few days including HH BB Govinda Swami, HH Devamrita Swami, HH Prahladananda Swami, HH Indradyumna Swami and HH Bhakti Brhad Bhagavata Swami.
Maharaja today shared two verses that are very close to his heart. The first, yare dekha tare kaha krsna upadesa (CC Madhya 7.128), explains how the followers of Caitanya Mahaprabhu take His order and travel everywhere to share Krishna’s instructions with whoever they meet. The second, krsnas tu bhagavan svayam (SB 1.3.28), establishes the position of Sri Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This, Maharaja said, is what every devotee must ultimately do.
Even at this stage, Maharaja continues providing guidance and inspiration.


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